Raise your Eat.Q and sail through the holidays without overeating

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My first workshop starts next week on Monday, November 6, 2014!

In this workshop, you will be part of  a conversation that deepens your understanding of the connection between mood and food and gives you the tools you need to end emotionally-driven eating.

Using the three-step program laid out in Eat.Q., the best-selling book by clinical psychologist Susan Albers, , we will explore the link between emotions and eating. Each week we will learn tools to navigate through the most common barriers to healthy and mindful eating.  You will learn how to

  • notice, identify, and feel your feelings (rather than eat them);
  • use emotions to help you think rationally and make insight-driven decisions— choices based on a combination of feeling and rational thought; and
  • manage your feelings in positive, healthy ways.

The result of this deepened conversation is less stress and more pleasure around food. You will be equipped to end poor eating habits like eating past fullness, eating when you’re bored or upset, and overeating favorite foods.

  • Each week on Mondays, you will receive an audio lesson followed by a one-hour group call on Wednesdays, at 8 PM CET (2 PM Eastern, 1 PM Central, 11 AM Pacific).  All calls will be recorded and shared with participants who can’t attend live.  Check the time zone converter for your time zone.
  • Access to a private Facebook forum only for class members for questions and further discussion.  There will be ample opportunity for questions and coaching, both on the calls and on the forum.

Outline of the Workshop

Week 1 – Emotions and Eating

  • What is emotionally-driven eating?
  • How can we interrupt this habit?
  • How to use our “emotional dimmer switch”

Week 2 – Food and Decision-Making

  • Why we choose the way we do.
  • Responding vs. Reacting
  • Deciding while Emotional
  • Four Keep-Calm Tools

Week 3 – Ditching the Diet Mentality. EAT instead!

E – embracing feelings

A – accepting feelings

T – turning toward alternatives to food

Week 4 – Eating for Pleasure

  • Embracing the pleasure of food
  • The role of willpower
  • Four Tools to cope with impulse eating

Week 5 – Social Eating Strategies

  • The impact others have on our eating
  • Identify your triggers for overeating in social situations
  • Three techniques for setting boundaries

Week 6 – Stress Eating & Distress

  • How does stress impact your food choices?
  • Tools for feelings & triggers
  • Four ways to boost your resilience

Week 7 – Pack Your Tool Kit!

  • Dive deep into your feelings without fixing them with food.

Week 8 – Turning towards alternatives

  • Seven tools to turn towards nourishing choices
  • How to enrich your mindful eating practice after this workshop

This workshop is free for my current coaching clients.  Only $145 — $9 per session — by application only. 

This is a wonderful opportunity to make peace with food and end the war with yourself. I hope you’ll join us.

To register for this workshop, please fill out this application.